Tag Archives: d/g

One More Week Added to Due Date for Fic Exchange

one more week
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we’re extending the Fic Due Date for the Exchange by eight days. That means that we absolutely, positively, I am not even kidding, this-is-it, need to get the fics in by midnight on Feb 3. I really don’t like the Hall of Shame, and I truly do not want to put anyone in it, but if… IF… we just plain don’t get a fic in, and we don’t get an email/explanation until, say, 11:59 on Feb 2nd, I WILL DO EET. Don’t make me come over there.

But everyone will get their fics in by midnight Feb 3, and happiness and peace and prosperity shall reign in D/G-land. Please don’t make me post a link to the work of the only other person who know who does 3D HP computer art. He is all D/Hr, all the time. (Really. I’m not kidding!!) 😉

Also, we’ll have a list of betas up very very very soon. 🙂

POSSIBLY almost kind of the first FIA site page. Or close, anyway.

This is a REALLY big pic, so I’m not exactly sure how it’s going to come through.

I’m not sure if this is the VERY FIRST opening day of the FIA site, but if not, this is the closest we’re going to get. August 11, 2004. And I painstakingly put this together BY HAND in Photoshop, carefully assembling several different screenshots, JUST for you, walking uphill 10 miles BOTH ways in a snowstorm in January when it was -48750297543982 degrees. And we LIKED it that way! 🙂

D/G Blast from the Past! Yay!

dec_2004_archive of fia

And now it’s time for another episode of “Guess What This Is,” aka “Reason #83479204.pi Why It’s Totally Pointless To Take Down Your Fanfics In An Attempt To Pretend You Never Wrote Or Posted Them.” Because The Wayback Machine knows. That’s why.

Yep, y’all, it’s Dec 28, 2004. All of these lovely fics are still with us, to the best of my knowledge; this is a date randomly chosen to make a point.

Also, it’s fun to look up old web pages. Wow, there’s a lot on there. 🙂

New Discussion Site for the OFIC Forums!


Hey all,

So I’ve thought about this a lot. The ofic forum idea has been on my mind for about a year. And I’ve never really done anything with it yet. There’s so much going on right now, including the D/G fic exchange (only 19 days left, people!!) But I realized something: there will never be a perfect time!! Or maybe right now is ALWAYS the perfect time. 🙂 Sometimes you just need to carpe that diem.

What exactly IS an ofic forum? It’s all explained right here—and even a little bit about why it’s so important for the future of the D/G fandom. Whether you’re a writer, a reader, or both, you REALLY want to be involved with this. I’ve decided to have the discussion board as part of the FIA forums, because they’re already there and set up. So come and join in!

3 Weeks Left to Write Exchange Fic! And New Ginny Pic!

ginny 2_0Hey all,

So here’s a new Ginny concept I’ve been working on. What do y’all think? Ginny 1.0, or Ginny 2.0? 1.0 is the one you’ve been seeing, and this is 2.0. I’ll do another closeup render of 1.0, too.

And it’s 3 weeks to the day before the exchange fics are due! Yippee skippee! 🙂


(poke poke) It’s time to write that exchange fic!

no draco and ginny today
So it’s now officially less than ONE month until exchange fics are due on January 26th!! Draco and Ginny are busy writing… so how about you? They’re doing really well on their fics, and—

(knock at door)

Just a minute…

Oh. It’s that white van again, and they have the straightjackets this time. Bye!

(starts running)

This is what Reality looks like…

Ginny 02
Here’s a render of Ginny, NOT done by me (but by Jonasb67.) It’s an example of what can be done with Poser and Reality 3, a plugin for LuxRender, the only computer rendering engine I’ve ever seen that produces true photorealism. It can also be very painterly, which we see in this example. Again, not by me, but I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks seriously studying Reality… (very existential.) It’s very very very very very complex and difficult. 😛 But the results that you can get are almost not to be believed.

And you know, there’s a plugin called FaceRoom for Poser where you can build an amazing 3D model of a face and head from ONE photograph. Basically, we could put anyone’s face on a Draco and a Ginny, and then…

Well, then it could get very weird. But it can be done. 🙂 I’m thinking about getting FaceRoom.


final_teddy_d and g between metal walls_03
Hey all,

This is THE VERY LAST DAY to pick your prompt for the D/G fic exchange. So if you’re one of the last holdouts (and you know who you are… well, if you’re reading this, you know who you are…)


See what Draco is going through? Don’t let this happen to you!!


Next to Last Day of Prompt Picking!!

final_dg beach sunset_01

So here it is, the penultimate day of prompt picking! That means that tomorrow is the LAST DAY. We WILL email anyone we haven’t heard from after tomorrow. So don’t make us come over there. 😉

Day FOUR of prompt picking!!

DG contentment_02

Pretty much the same news as yesterday… the number of prompts is dwindling fast! There are just two days left to pick yours, if you haven’t already. And here’s the promised Part 2 of the “D/G Contentment” graphic strip. I think I’m going to do more of the multi-parters.