Tag Archives: ginny weasley

FIA D/G Summer Challenge 2014: The Official Announcement!

It’s time for the FIA D/G Summer Challenge 2014! Yay!


Fic era:
Object that needs to be in the fic:

Suggestion Thread

Come to this thread right here, just clickety click) and add YOUR suggestions in these categories. All of the input comes from you! šŸ™‚ Because you’re very special.

Here’s the timeline:

May 14th: All theme submissions due
May 28th: All challenge fics due. (Remember– these can be SHORT!!)
June 11th: Voting begins (we will have a poll up)
June 25th: Winners announced

Full rules are here. Click Click Click!

Fics for the 2014 FIA D/G Exchange of Doom A-Go-Go

the fics are up
Yep, y’all, the complete list is UP for the 2014 FIA D/G Exchange of Doom A-Go-Go. šŸ™‚ (Okay, there are still 2 fics we didn’t get in, but at some point, you just have to move on. :P) And here it is!! (Hint: If there’s a Part ONE, that means there’s also a Part TWO. And maybe a Part Three. So in that case, what you’re going to do is to use the lovely FOWARD or BACK buttons on the top of the page. Depending on if, um, the mod posted the fic in the right order. šŸ˜‰ Then, keep reading.)

And do not forget to review. Because…

1.) The sheer joy of reviewing
2.) Whoever leaves the MOST reviews will get a special prize!!
3.) Don’t make me come over there with that Draco/Hermione/Gollum fic, because I WILL come over there. Nobody wants that, RIGHT??

(It’s kind of a good cop/bad cop thing… šŸ˜‰

And here’s the list:

Rescue Me, for Dyk3adellic Part One
A Singular Love, Which Is Far From Common. For semper-x-eadem Chapter 1

Dreaming About The Things That We Could Be, for Marinka

Double-Pointed Needles, for breereeves– Chapter One

The Love We Deserve, for a_gypsys_dance

The Deteriorating Psyche, for Pan: Part 1

A Change of Policy, for Natasha_ohl7

Intertwine, for idreamofdraco

Red Sky at Morning, for Rinney: Part One

Murder at Malfoy Manor, for Javastix

Vanished, for Sunnystorms

Christmas Cookies, for LifeofDracoandGinny

What Lies Ahead, for Gin0cide

Her Secret Boyfriend, for Writerdragonfly

The Art of Paying Attention, For akiamaya

Lighten Up, for Ori

Family Feuds and In-Laws Wooed, for Eustacia_Vye28

A Malfoy Down the Hole, for Hipokras

A Game of Thrones, for Raeā€”Part One

Shopaholic and Thief, for xcassisx

From Ground Up, for Seegrim, Part One

We All Come From the Goddess, for Anise, Part One

Secrets and Truth, for rainywinters

Of One-Night Stands and Drastic Plans, for aislyn813, Part One

Altered Images and Mirrored Truth, for Javastix

So. Here’s what going on now.

Here are the nomination categories:

Best Fic Overall
Ā  Sweetest Fic Overall
Ā  Darkest Fic Overall
Ā  Funniest Fic Overall
Ā  Favorite Line
Ā  Snarkiest Conversation
Ā  Best kiss
Ā  Best smut
Ā  Best prose/passage that knocks you flat on your ass
Ā  Best portrayal of Draco Malfoy
Ā  Best portrayal of Ginny Weasley
Ā  Best Minor/Supporting Character
Ā  Most in Need of a Sequel
Ā  Best Interpretation of the prompt

Y’all, we need your nominations in within TWO WEEKS of today. That’s March 14th. That’s two weeks of reading and thinking about nominations. This would also be an ideal time to REVIEW those fics on LJ. And remember, you don’t need to be participant to REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW (and nominatenominatenominate, and vote vote vote… and maybe win the special prize… you get the idea.)

This year, we’re going to have everyone send in nominations by email. So many people don’t have LJ accounts now that it just makes more sense.So send those in to:


Sempereademx has an AMAZING free prize for all participants. What you need to do is to email in your favorite Hogwarts house WITH your nomination. I’m really mulling over the idea of no nomination, no prize. That would not be good. We’ll also have t-shirts for the winner in each category, so please submit art if you would like– we need more designs!And don’t forget the special prize for whoever leaves the most reviews.

After nominations close, we will have one week of voting. Votes must be in by THREE weeks from today, which will be March 21st. One week later, we’ll announce winners and do the big reveal of authors! Even more yay!!

I think that’s everything… the evil computer erased the last version of this email, so I can’t be totally sure… but I think that’s it for now!

So read, read like the wind@!!

March 14th: nominations must be in. Your choice of Hogwarts house on your participants’ prize must also be in. If you have art for the t-shirts, this is the due date too. Voting starts.
March 21st: Votes must be in.
March 28th: Announcements of winners and reveal of real authors. YAY to the ultimate power!!

Comments? Questions? Remarks? Email them all to me. And remember, it’s at dgfics@gmail.com


One More Week Added to Due Date for Fic Exchange

one more week
Due to circumstances beyond our control, weā€™re extending the Fic Due Date for the Exchange by eight days. That means that we absolutely, positively, I am not even kidding, this-is-it, need to get the fics in by midnight on Feb 3. I really donā€™t like the Hall of Shame, and I truly do not want to put anyone in it, but ifā€¦ IFā€¦ we just plain donā€™t get a fic in, and we donā€™t get an email/explanation until, say, 11:59 on Feb 2nd, I WILL DO EET. Donā€™t make me come over there.

But everyone will get their fics in by midnight Feb 3, and happiness and peace and prosperity shall reign in D/G-land. Please donā€™t make me post a link to the work of the only other person who know who does 3D HP computer art. He is all D/Hr, all the time. (Really. Iā€™m not kidding!!) šŸ˜‰

Also, weā€™ll have a list of betas up very very very soon. šŸ™‚

Just One Week Left!

Hey yā€™all,

Itā€™s one week, SEVEN DAYS, before the exchange fics are due for the Official D/G Fic Exchange A-GoGo of Winter 2014. If youā€™ve turned yours in already, then yay! If yours will be ready in a week, then yay! If youā€™re having trouble, please let us know. Ifā€¦ okay, positive thinking is important, so we wonā€™t even go there with that last IF. But remember, only you can prevent other Draco pairings. šŸ˜‰
And Ginny pairings, too. Remember, EVERY time an author doesn’t turn in their fic, Ginny has to kiss Harry. We don’t want that, now do we??

D/G Blast from the Past! Yay!

dec_2004_archive of fia

And now it’s time for another episode of ā€œGuess What This Is,ā€ aka ā€œReason #83479204.pi Why Itā€™s Totally Pointless To Take Down Your Fanfics In An Attempt To Pretend You Never Wrote Or Posted Them.ā€ Because The Wayback Machine knows. Thatā€™s why.

Yep, yā€™all, it’s Dec 28, 2004. All of these lovely fics are still with us, to the best of my knowledge; this is a date randomly chosen to make a point.

Also, itā€™s fun to look up old web pages. Wow, thereā€™s a lot on there. šŸ™‚

3 Weeks Left to Write Exchange Fic! And New Ginny Pic!

ginny 2_0Hey all,

So here’s a new Ginny concept I’ve been working on. What do y’all think? Ginny 1.0, or Ginny 2.0? 1.0 is the one you’ve been seeing, and this is 2.0. I’ll do another closeup render of 1.0, too.

And it’s 3 weeks to the day before the exchange fics are due! Yippee skippee! šŸ™‚


(poke poke) It’s time to write that exchange fic!

no draco and ginny today
So itā€™s now officially less than ONE month until exchange fics are due on January 26th!! Draco and Ginny are busy writingā€¦ so how about you? Theyā€™re doing really well on their fics, andā€”

(knock at door)

Just a minuteā€¦

Oh. Itā€™s that white van again, and they have the straightjackets this time. Bye!

(starts running)


final_teddy_d and g between metal walls_03
Hey all,

This is THE VERY LAST DAY to pick your prompt for the D/G fic exchange. So if you’re one of the last holdouts (and you know who you are… well, if you’re reading this, you know who you are…)


See what Draco is going through? Don’t let this happen to you!!


Next to Last Day of Prompt Picking!!

final_dg beach sunset_01

So here it is, the penultimate day of prompt picking! That means that tomorrow is the LAST DAY. We WILL email anyone we haven’t heard from after tomorrow. So don’t make us come over there. šŸ˜‰

Day FOUR of prompt picking!!

DG contentment_02

Pretty much the same news as yesterdayā€¦ the number of prompts is dwindling fast! There are just two days left to pick yours, if you havenā€™t already. And hereā€™s the promised Part 2 of the ā€œD/G Contentmentā€ graphic strip. I think Iā€™m going to do more of the multi-parters.