Tag Archives: Harry/Hermione


EPIC FAILOkay, y’all, I’m SURE that you’ve seen quotes from that upcoming interview where JKR says that she SHOULD have written H/Hr instead of R/Hr. (And if you haven’t, what are you doing reading this blog?? Anyway, we’re happy to have you here. We will convert you to D/G.)

Understand, I don’t really have a dog in the hunt one way or the other with R/Hr vs. H/Hr. I’ve read good and bad fanfic for both pairings, and there are good arguments to be made for both. (Although I have to say that considering strict canon, H/Hr probably made more sense. Then again, Harry/Luna would have made even more.)

No, the reason for happiness in D/G-land is that if H/Hr was what JKR should have done, then, by logical extension, H/G IS THE MASSIVE FAIL OF ALL TIME AND EVEN THE AUTHOR ADMITS IT.
(break for the Happy We Were Right All Along Dance. 🙂

Why is this important after six and a half years? Why do we still care? Well, it’s all in the rest of that D/G essay… but basically, it’s because of what these books meant and what the theme really was. They weren’t just children’s entertainment; they were about something important. And H/G represented the total trashing of that vital theme at the end of D/H, especially in the Epilogue of Horror and Doom.

Anyway, more later, but for now, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

And in other news, we’re almost done getting in fics for the exchange!

Now let’s all eat chocolate. 🙂