Tag Archives: poser

3 Weeks Left to Write Exchange Fic! And New Ginny Pic!

ginny 2_0Hey all,

So here’s a new Ginny concept I’ve been working on. What do y’all think? Ginny 1.0, or Ginny 2.0? 1.0 is the one you’ve been seeing, and this is 2.0. I’ll do another closeup render of 1.0, too.

And it’s 3 weeks to the day before the exchange fics are due! Yippee skippee! 🙂


This is what Reality looks like…

Ginny 02
Here’s a render of Ginny, NOT done by me (but by Jonasb67.) It’s an example of what can be done with Poser and Reality 3, a plugin for LuxRender, the only computer rendering engine I’ve ever seen that produces true photorealism. It can also be very painterly, which we see in this example. Again, not by me, but I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks seriously studying Reality… (very existential.) It’s very very very very very complex and difficult. 😛 But the results that you can get are almost not to be believed.

And you know, there’s a plugin called FaceRoom for Poser where you can build an amazing 3D model of a face and head from ONE photograph. Basically, we could put anyone’s face on a Draco and a Ginny, and then…

Well, then it could get very weird. But it can be done. 🙂 I’m thinking about getting FaceRoom.